About Ficus Homalomena Maggy
Homalomena ‘Maggie’, commonly known as Homalomena Maggie, is an ornamental houseplant in the Araceae family. This plant is highly regarded for its large, glossy leaves, which are dark green in color and have wavy edges. Homalomena ‘Maggie’ is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Southeast Asia, particularly Malaysia and Indonesia.
Using well-drained soil and organic materials such as peat moss, perlite and sand improves soil ventilation.
Preventing root rot: By using well-drained soil and a pot with enough drainage holes, you can prevent root rot.
Cuttings: The best way to propagate Homalomena ‘Maggie’ is by stem cuttings. Place these cuttings in moist soil or water to root.
Using rooting hormone: Using rooting hormone can help speed up the rooting process.
How often should I water my Homalomena Maggy?
Moderate humidity: the soil should always be moist, but avoid excessive watering and water accumulation in the pot. Let the soil surface dry a little between two waterings.
Regular watering: it needs more water in the growing season (spring and summer) and less water in the colder seasons (autumn and winter).
Watering method: It is better to water the plant in such a way that the water comes out of the drainage holes under the pot, this helps to prevent the accumulation of salts in the soil.
Watering time: A good way to determine the watering time is to check the soil moisture with your finger. If the surface of the soil is dry to a depth of 2-3 cm, it is time to water.
The light requirements of Homalomena Maggy
Haemalumena maggi needs indirect and medium light. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves, so it’s best to place it in a location with filtered light or partial shade.

How much will it grow?
Leaves: The leaves of Homalomena ‘Maggie’ are large, ovate, and glossy, reaching about 15-30 cm in length. The color of the leaves is dark green and has wavy edges.
Size: This plant can grow to a height of 60-90 cm and its spread is usually the same.
Stem: The stems of Haemalumena Maggi are short and fleshy and usually do not emerge from the soil.
Temperature and humidity
Moderate temperature: The ideal temperature for the growth of Homalomena ‘Maggie’ is between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. This plant is sensitive to temperatures lower than 15 degrees Celsius.
High humidity: This plant likes high humidity. To increase the humidity of the environment, you can use a humidifier or mist the leaves regularly.
Troubleshooting common problems with Homalomena Maggy
- Yellowing of leaves: may be a sign of overwatering or insufficient light. Check the balance of watering and light.
- Root rot: This problem usually occurs due to poorly drained or overwatered soil. Make sure the soil is well drained and reduce watering.
- Pests: include spider mites, aphids and weevils. Using mild insecticides or washing with mild soapy water can be helpful.